Kim Clark

Kim Clark, Trainer at The Fitness Connection

I’ve always been into fitness, but started helping others with their fitness goals when I got certified in Zumba in 2011. I later added certifications in Les Mills Body Combat and Body Pump in 2013. In 2015 I decided to challenge myself by getting into the natural bodybuilding world. I competed in my first show in 2016, and later became an Open Figure Pro in USBF in 2018 and a Masters Figure Pro in OCB in 2019. I continue to train for upcoming shows, as well as guide other competitors on their journeys. If you see me at the gym, I’m always happy to help whether it be questions on equipment or workout routine.

Danielle Kinmartin

Danielle Kinmartin – Les Mills BodyPump Certified Instructor

I have been a group fitness instructor for 10 years with certifications in Zumba, Zumba Sentao, Zumba Toning, Zumba Step, Zumba Kids, Strong by Zumba, Les Mills Body Pump, Kettlebell AMPD, Kettlebell Boost, and Kettlebell Toning.

I am a mother of five and in 2011 I was sick of being out of shape so I jumped into fitness classes and fell in love. In 2016 I competed in my first bodybuilding competition (4th place) and in 2018 I won overall. Stepping into the gym is scary and my goal is to help and inspire others along their fitness journey.

Kerry Ward – Les Mills BodyCombat Certified Instructor

I was a participant in Les Mills classes for several years and loved them so much I decided to become an instructor.  The Les Mills BodyCombat program brings an energy to classes that is unmatched by any other class I have taken. The music and creative moves make it almost forgettable that you are exercising! 

Bringing a sense of camaraderie to my classes is important.  I want every participant to feel welcomed and appreciated, each member is important to the class no matter their current fitness level.  Stop in for a BodyCombat class and I will support you in accomplishing your goals!

Heidi Miles – Class Instructor

I am a Certified Silver Sneakers Boom Move and Muscle instructor. These classes offer a way for members to stay fit by incorporating aerobic and muscle building routines. All classes are modified to make each members fitness goals attainable. I enjoy staying active in our community while inspiring others to stay active as well.

Karen Betts – Class Instructor

I am a Certified Silver Sneakers Circuit instructor and a 200 hour Registered Yoga instructor. I enjoy teaching and consider it essential that people my age keep moving. With all of the changes our body encounters with aging, it is so important to stay active. A regular exercise routine helps keep the body and mind healthy.

Kristin Jackson – Spin Instructor and Running and Triathlon Club Administrator

I am an Aerobics and Spin instructor. I am also the Administrator of The Team FitCon Running and Triathlon Club. My goal is to make fitness a lifestyle. I want my class members to want to come to class and feel like a part of a family!

Pete Okhamvilaysack, Owner and Trainer

My main goal is to educate our members on eating healthy and training correctly while providing an environment that encourages community connection which will help you succeed in your goals.